Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm out of words

"Sahabat sejati dan setia adalah lebih bernilai dari semua emas di dunia ini."

To have someone said this to you, it's a wonderful feeling- it made me cry.
I don't know how to write to express the feeling, but honestly it meant a lot to me dear

Thank you for being you,
Thank you Allah for sending me one of the most beautiful person I've ever seen, inside and out - how I miss you so dearly.

Now I'm out of tears.


Anonymous said...

anda sangat6 juge berharap mempunyai teman seperti ini..=)

Adila said...

thanks.i know i am.couldn't ask more from a friend like her

W.N.B said... nyer dla.....erm.....die btol2 kwn yg hargai prsahabatn...+ best....he

Adila said...

indeed she is.
sangat best to have a best friend like her :D