Friend is one of the most important people in your life. In fact, a friend can just simply be the most important person to you. They may come in any type of forms, they can be your brother, mother, the girl-next-door, your teacher or your desk mate. As I grow up and learn so much more about this life, I begin to see how hard for one to find a real friend. People who can be real friends are the two person who understand each other the best, and when you feel sad or happy you want to share that feeling with them. But the truth is, your best friend can be quite annoying sometimes. The best example that I can give you is myself, I sometimes do stuffs that I simply know would make my friends pissed off, just to test how much they can stand me. Simply from that I can tell how much they care about me. I know, what a bad girl I've been but then that's how I found my best friends. Sorry best friends :) Btw, the picture above showing Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush who play Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis in 'One Tree Hill'. They both are best friends on and off screen. Yes, they are also gorgeous (nodding) :)
The on screen on & off bff Blair and Serena from the show 'Gossip Girls'
My friends and I in 5th grade, when the trick of annoying them began to hit me.
One of my very best friends comes in the form of skinny girl (at least that's how she used to be :) she's so gonna hate me once she reads this!) who used to be in the same high school with me but we weren't as close as we are today at that time. Luckily, fate brought us together and I guess we were meant to be best friends, and I'm grateful for having her in my life. Best friends forever yeah? :)

i cannot find a reason to hate that b'coz u're a wonderful fren in my life.thanz for being my bestfren..=)
same one goes to you:) I heart you
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